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Check out these clinical research resources for clinician-scientists and clinical research staff.

MGB Research Resources

  • Research Navigator – for information from MGB groups and oversight committees such as Research Management, the MGB IRB, Human Research Quality Improvement, Research Compliance, etc. Requires MGB login. 
  • Insight – for various MGB research transactions such as submitting grant proposals, viewing financial status of awarded grants and funds, submitting research contracts for negotiation, submitting to the IRB/IACUC/IBC, etc. Requires MGB login.
  • REDCap – for data collection on clinical research studies
  • LabArchives – electronic research notebook
  • Research Information Science and Computing – for research applications and computing services

MGH Resources

For NIH Grant Applications

Harvard Catalyst

  • Writing and Communication Center – a comprehensive collection of tools, trainings, and resources that empower clinical/translational research team members in any stage of their careers to better articulate their science.
  • Community Engagement Program – supporting bi-directional community engagement to improve the relevance, quality, and impact of research.

Recruitment Resources

  • Rally – for posting advertisements of your clinical research studies
  • Research Match – a not-for-profit effort that brings together researchers and people who are willing to learn more about research studies in a secure and convenient manner.